Recommended ad sizes

Mobile Web Ad Sizes:

320×50: This is the most common mobile ad size, also known as a “mobile leaderboard.” It is recommended because it is small enough to not take up too much screen real estate, but large enough to be noticeable and effective.

300×250: This is also a popular mobile ad size, known as a “medium rectangle.” It is recommended because it is versatile and can be placed in various locations on a mobile webpage without disrupting the user experience too much.

320×100: This ad size is called a “large mobile banner” and is recommended because it takes up more vertical space than a mobile leaderboard, making it more noticeable. However, it’s important to note that this ad size may not be compatible with all mobile devices.

Desktop Web Ad Sizes:

728×90: This is a popular desktop ad size, known as a “leaderboard.” It is recommended because it is large enough to be noticed, but not so large that it takes over the page.

300×250: This is also a popular desktop ad size, known as a “medium rectangle.” It is recommended because it can be placed in various locations on a webpage without being too disruptive to the user experience.

336×280: also known as a “large rectangle,”is a versatile and effective option for desktop web advertising. Its large size and compatibility make it a popular choice for advertisers, while its non-intrusive placement and effectiveness make it a good choice for publishers

160×600: This ad size is called a “wide skyscraper” and is recommended for vertical placements on a desktop webpage. It takes up more vertical space than a leaderboard, making it more noticeable.

The above sizes are recommended because they have proven to be effective for advertisers and they are widely supported by ad networks and publishers. Additionally, these ad sizes are generally non-intrusive and do not disrupt the user experience too much. It’s important to note that ad sizes can vary depending on the specific website or app, and it’s always a good idea to consult with us to determine the best ad sizes for your specific site.

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